Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The Nina was floundering in a storm. The panicked sailors began to pray for deliverance. They bargained with God that if they were saved one of the crew would make a pilgrimage to a shrine. They drew lots and Christopher Columbus was chosen.

The storm raged on and the praying became frantic. In a last ditch effort the men decided that if they made it to land all of them would walk shirtless to the first shrine they found.

Have you ever tried to bargain with God? Most of us have at one time or another.

Herein is an important difference between faith and superstition. Superstition is when we believe that if we say the right words, do the proper ritual, make a big enough sacrifice then God is required to do as we ask. Faith is the assurance that God has your best interest in His heart. Faith leads you to obedience because you trust God.

Next time you find yourself trying to play poker with God, ask yourself, "Do I trust Him, or am I being superstitious?"

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