Monday, May 3, 2010

The Charismatic Gifts

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7

There are nine different Greek words that are translated into the one English word “gift.” One of the nine is the word charisma. It is from this word that we have the English adjective “charismatic.” In the Church world today, Christians who flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit are called “Charismatics.”

Charis means “grace” and charis-ma means “grace made specific” or the “manifestation of grace.” In 1 Corinthians, we have the largest occurrences of this word charisma. Although there were many serious problems in the Corinthian church, yet every charisma was manifested among the people. Did those Corinthians deserve such wonderful gifts from God? Of course not!

That is why they are called the gifts of grace-they are freely and sovereignly given, not based on the merits of the recipients. In 1 Corinthians 12:9-10, we have the nine charismata of the Holy Spirit. And Paul tells us to “earnestly desire the best gifts” (12:31). So the Bible takes it for granted that we are to be very familiar with all of them. The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are:

(1) word of wisdom, 
(2) word of knowledge, 
(3) faith, 
(4) gifts of healings, 
(5) working of miracles, 
(6) prophecy, 
(7) discerning of spirits, 
(8) different kinds of tongues, and 
(9) interpretation of tongues.

The key word that distinguishes these nine from all other gifts is the word “manifestation.” This means they can be clearly perceived by the physical senses. You can see it and hear it. And the nine gifts of the Spirit are precisely that-the manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit within a believer. Through these gifts, the invisible Holy Spirit shows Himself out of the believer. When we see these gifts in operation, they are the evidences of the Holy Spirit dwelling inside a Christian.

Many Christians hold on to a wrong religious notion that emotional feelings are bad. But nothing can be further from the truth. God created us with feelings and emotions. And Christianity is an experience with a living God. While God doesn’t want us to be emotional freaks, He nonetheless wants us to perceive Him, to feel Him, and to experience His presence among us.

The nine spiritual gifts are given “for the profit of all” (12:7). They are tools and not toys. They are for the edification of the church. Start earnestly desiring them today!

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