Saturday, May 8, 2010

Don’t Waste Your Pain

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When Paul came to Asia, he was troubled and burdened beyond measure. He was so crushed and overwhelmed, he thought he was not going to make it (2 Cor. 1:8). To have gone through such suffering, was it a sign that Paul was not in the center of God’s will? Of course he was! Yet, God allowed Paul to come into such a season of trouble, a situation of pressure where it seemed as if his very life was pressed out of him. Have you ever felt like that before? “Oh God, I can’t take another step. I can’t possibly handle another ounce of pressure. God, why are you permitting this to happen to me?”Well, God had His reason. And Paul understood that reason. He said, “God brings us to a place where we would stop putting our confi dence in ourselves. Where we have reached the absolute limit of our own knowledge, experience, strength and ability. Our dreams, goals, desires, aspirations and visions all seem to have died. But out of that death, God supernaturally brings us into a resurrection”(1:9).

After death, there is always a resurrection! And God takes us into the next level-onward and upward-into a far higher level of living than ever before. Not only will you live on a higher plane, you will be a blessing to the world. Because having experienced the comfort of the Lord in the midst of severe trials, you can now comfort others with the comfort with which you yourself were comforted by God (1:4). You can now be an encouragement and example to others who are going through similar situations you have previously gone through. Hosea 2:14 says that God often draws His people in ways we don’t understand. He may lead us into the diffi cult situation of a wilderness to speak tenderly into our hearts. And once God has our attention, He will turn our Valley of Achor (Trouble) into a door of hope (2:15). The ultimate purpose of every trial is so that God can show us that: “I am not just your Master (Baali), I am your Husband (Ishi). I am the Husband of your soul”(2:16). Don’t waste your pain and troubles. Allow your pain :

(1) To make you a better person. 
(2) To bring you closer to the Lord-knowing Him as your Ishi-Husband, not just your Baali- Master. 
(3) To make you an encouragement and comfort to others.

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