Monday, January 25, 2010

When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his body like a leprous sore, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests. Leviticus 13:2

A man suspected of contracting leprosy must first show himself to Aaron the high priest or one of his sons. In examining such a person, the priest must be mindful of two things: (1) the holiness of God, and (2) the grace of God. The holiness of God demands that anyone who should be out ought to be out. The grace of God demands that anyone who should be in ought to be in.

As such, a priest could not make hasty judgments based on hearsay or subjective bias. He must examine a person suspected of being leprous thoroughly and carry out whatever necessary actions in accordance with the Holy Scriptures.

Leprosy always starts as a little sore on the surface of the skin (Lev. 13:3). But if left untreated, it will soon go deep into the skin and spread all over the body. Leprosy in the Bible always symbolizes a type of sin. And sin always starts insignificantly small. It may be a seemingly harmless thought or an innocuous action. But when it is not checked, it will soon spread all over your life.

Sometimes, leprosy appears as a scab—a crust that has formed over a wound (Lev. 13:6-8). It looks like it has been healed but underneath the scab, the leprosy is still active. Similarly, sin that is not thoroughly dealt with can surface again and again. Leprosy may develop on a portion of the body that is burned by fire (Lev. 13:24-25).

In life, you can get wounded, hurt and “burned” by an outside force, like a family member or a friend. If you don’t deal with that hurt, bitterness and resentment can spring forth from that emotional injury. Eventually, it will spread throughout your heart.

Leprosy may grow out of a sore on the head and the beard (Lev. 13:29-30), which are symbols of authority. Sin can spring out of a collaboration with corrupt authority or bad leadership. Submit to and obey good leaders. Stay far away from the bad ones.

Leprosy may also arise from a bald forehead which was previously pronounced clean (Lev. 13:41-43). Many things in your life may not be sinful or immoral in themselves. But because they are not in the will of God for you, they are not under the covering of God’s blessing. Eventually, sin will spring forth.

The good news is that Jesus Christ is your Great High Priest. He has come to cleanse all the “spiritual leprosy” of sin in your life. If you are willing to truly repent out of a broken and contrite heart, He will forgive you completely and thoroughly cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

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