Saturday, January 16, 2010

Five Ways God Wants to Be Known

And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth.” Exodus 34:6

One prominent Bible teacher once commented that “a leader needs compensations because of the added pressure.” In a sense, this is very true in the business world. Those who are in top positions have many compensations. They are given extra bonuses, cars, houses and trips abroad. Spiritually, our compensation should be a closer relationship with God and a stronger presence of the Holy Spirit.

The compensation Moses received was that he saw God face to face, as a man speaks to his friend (Ex. 33:11). Moses boldly asked God to reward Him by revealing His glory (Ex. 33:18). A leader can be destroyed if his priorities are set on the wrong things. Moses didn’t ask God for position, prestige, popularity or even prosperity. When you read the Scriptures, the Bible heroes who had all those blessings never made them their priorities. They were simply added to them as byproducts of their faith as they first sought the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:33).

They all went after the presence and power of God. To them, meeting with God was more important than their ministry for God. In Exodus 34:6, God revealed Himself to Moses in the way He desires to be known. He is :-

  1. Merciful,
  2. Gracious,
  3. Longsuffering,
  4. Abounding in goodness and
  5. Truth.

These are the five most important attributes of God’s nature.

When you walk with God, you must also major in these five areas. Be a merciful person, always quick to forgive. Be gracious to the people around you in your attitude and speech. Be longsuffering and patient to others, having the inner strength to tame your anger. “Goodness” means “incapable of evil.” Be incapable of plotting and scheming against others.

Finally, be a person who walks and abides in truth.

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