Sunday, January 10, 2010

God wants us to be kind

“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12

God wants us to be kind. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit working in our lives is kindness.

What is kindness? It is being gracious and loving and forgiving to others — even when sometimes they do not deserve it. Does someone need a cup of cold water? If you are kind you may give them that cup — even if they do not deserve it.

Jesus extended His love and mercy to a woman at a well — even though she was living in sin. God is kind even to the just and the unjust — He sends rain and sunshine whether we deserve it or not. How much more should we be kind to others? Do you have a grudge against someone? Be kind to them and forgive them.

Is there someone in your family who is hurting and going through difficult times? Maybe you can ask God how you can love this person in the love of Jesus Christ. God is kind and loving to us — let us be kind and loving to others.

So, this week, let us pray and ask God
  • To help us be kind and loving to others, especially to those in need
  • To pour out His love on those who are hurting
  • To protect and bless our staff and volunteers at Global Media Outreach
As we start this New Year, THANK YOU for your prayers. Sometimes we do not realize the importance of prayer since we cannot see spiritual things with our own eyes, but God knows how important it is to seek Him and to pray for others.

May God bless you,

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