Sunday, October 11, 2009

Looking Unto Jesus

But my eyes are upon You, O God the Lord; in You I take refuge; do not leave my soul destitute. Psalm 141:8

It is always the Holy Spirit’s work that turns our eyes away from our self to Jesus; but Satan’s work is just the opposite of this, for he is constantly trying to make us pay attention to ourselves instead of Christ. The Devil insinuates, “Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough. You will never be able to continue to the end. You are weak. You are a failure.” All these are thoughts about self, and we will never find comfort or assurance by looking within.

But the Holy Spirit turns our eyes entirely away from self to Christ. He tells us that “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11), and “in all things Christ may have the preeminence” (Col. 1:18). Remember, therefore, that it is not your hold on Christ that saves you, but Christ Himself. It is not even your faith in Christ, though that is the instrument, but it is Christ’s blood and His grace that saves you. Therefore, do not look to your hand with which you are grasping Christ, more than to Christ Himself.

Do not look at the outward enemies in fear, but to the One who is in you, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Do not look at the pains of trials and tribulations, but to Christ who also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in His steps (1 Pet. 2:21). Do not look to your hope, but to Jesus, the Source of your hope (Col. 1:27). Do not look to your faith, but “[look] unto Jesus, the author and fi nisher of your faith” (Heb.12:2).

We will never fi nd happiness by looking at our prayers, our actions, or our feelings. It is what Jesus has done, not what we are, that gives us confi dence. If we want to overcome Satan, it must be by “looking unto Jesus.” That is why David says, “My eyes are upon You, O God, in You I take refuge.” Let Jesus’ death, His sufferings, His goodness, His grace—literally His Person—be on your mind. When you wake in the morning, look to Him. When you lie down at night, look to Him. Do not let your fears come between you and Jesus. Follow hard after Him, and He will never fail you.

  • I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
  • From whence comes my help?
  • My help comes from the LORD,
  • Who made heaven and earth. (Ps. 121:1-2)

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