Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bless The Lord

Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever. Psalm 145:2

Praising God must be our daily habit. No matter how busy or how sorrowful a day has been, not a day should pass without us praising God. We ought to reckon it the most needful part of our daily life, and the most delightful of our daily enjoyment. Every day, God is blessing us and working on our behalf; therefore there is no reason why we should not bless the Lord and speak well of Him daily.

Notice, the psalmist makes a decision—a commitment—that he will himself be praising God. Praising God is not a work for someone else to do. To this good work, the psalmist excites himself and engages his whole heart in it. Not only does he bless God every day, he expresses his resolution to persevere in it forever. He says, “I will praise Your name forever and ever.”

How does David express his praise to God? From Psalm 145, he says …

  1. “I will praise Your name forever” (145:2). He will speak well of God, and declare His name from generation to generation. The name of God reveals who God is. David expressed his praise to God according to how God had revealed Himself to him.
  2. “I will declare Your greatness” (145:6). David meditated on the greatness of God: His infinite power, His infi nite glory and His dominion over the whole universe. God’s greatness indeed cannot be comprehended, for it is unsearchable; who can conceive or express how great God is? And because God is exceedingly great, David declares exuberantly, “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised” (145:3).
  3. “They shall utter the memory of your great goodness” (145:7). God’s goodness is His glory (Ex. 33:19). It is what God glories in (34:6-7), and it is what we must give Him the glory for. God’s goodness is great goodness, the treasures of it can never be exhausted, nor can they ever be lessened. God is not just a doer of good, He is good. God’s goodness is who He is. Psalm 106:1 declares, “Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

David praises God at the memory of His goodness. God’s goodness is something we ought to remember and, more than that, utter or speak about often. In doing so, we build up our own faith and the faith of the people around us.

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