Monday, April 19, 2010

God Wants To Trust You

In the opening chapters of 1 Kings, we have the ascension of Solomon to the throne. There was a series of stages in this interesting episode of his life.

(1) Appointed: Solomon was publicly declared to be chosen by David, who was a type of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(2) Anointed: He had the true anointing when the oil out of the tabernacle was poured on him.

(3) Authority: Solomon rode the royal mule of David.

(4) Adherence: He walked in the instructions of David and clearly loved the Lord. He had gone through the discipline and chastening of both his parents David and Bathsheba.

(5) Abundance: At Gibeon, Solomon offered 1,000 burnt offerings on God’s altar. It was a reign of unlimited generosity and fruitfulness. In fact, Solomon had a vineyard called Baal Hamon, which literally means “the Lord of abundance.”

(6) Asking: In 1 Kings 3:5, God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask! What shall I give you?” What kind of an answer would an untrained person have given? “Lord, give me gold, girls and glory!” Not Solomon. He asked the Lord for wisdom (3:9). What an invitation God had offered Solomon. But he didn’t waste that opportunity on glory or wealth. He went after the most important thing-wisdom! To whom would God appear to? Only to those who are trained and disciplined. To those who love His commandments and keep them (John 14:21). Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8).

(7) An open heaven: When God finds a man who is disciplined and discipled so carefully that he could be brought face to face with Him, He will give this man an open heaven. Jesus had such a beautiful communion with the Father that on His way to Calvary, He said, “If I wanted to, I could ask and My Father would give Me 12 legions of angels right now” (Matt. 26:53). Whatever Jesus asked for, He would receive. Because God can trust Jesus to always ask according to His will. God can trust Jesus to always want to bring glory to Him. Similarly, God wants to bring us to that place where He can trust us with an open heaven. The heavens are open to any man or woman who will walk in the same spirit of Solomon. This is God wants you to be. Just like there was no limit to Solomon’s vision and dream during his reign, nothing then would be impossible to you.

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