Friday, April 2, 2010

The Fool

“Please, let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal. For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him! But I, your maidservant, did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent.” 1 Samuel 25:25

Nabal was an arrogant landowner and successful shepherd in Carmel (1 Sam. 25:2-3). He held a feast for his sheep shearers while David was hiding from Saul in the wilderness of Paran. David and his 600 men were camping near the town of Maon and, during his time there, he protected the livestock and property of Nabal. When David heard about Nabal’s feast, he requested some food for his hungry men. In his drunken state, Nabal refused the request of David and insulted his 10 messengers.

The name “Nabal” literally means “fool” and by dishonoring David, he was, in every sense, a fool. In Luke 12:16-21, Jesus talks about a similar rich “fool” who lived to amass and enjoy riches. He put his trust in his riches and gave his entire soul totally to them. But in his complacency, he forgot that he owed all his blessings to God-even his very breath!

Eventually, his life was cut short by the Lord and he slipped into eternity unable to take any of his possessions with him. To Jesus, a fool “is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God” (12:21).

The spirit of Nabal was also evident in the days of Malachi when Israel dishonored God by robbing Him of their tithes and offerings. The little they gave to the Lord were offerings they themselves had despised-the blind, the lame and the sick. For their lack of honor toward Him, God allowed the devourer to destroy the fruit of their ground (Mal. 3:8-11). The result of foolishness, ungratefulness and dishonor is always loss and a destiny cut short.

In anger, David determined to kill all of Nabal’s household. After Nabal became sober and heard about David’s plans to kill him, he had a heart attack and died about 10 days later (1 Sam. 25:37-38).

Nabal had a wonderful wife, Abigail. She anticipated David’s reaction and immediately loaded a convoy of donkeys with food to feed all of David’s men. As soon as she met David, she impressed him with her beauty, humility, praise, and advice (25:32-33). Abigail is a beautiful picture of the Church. Nabal is a picture of the nonbeliever or backslider. David is the picture of the soon-coming King. When you minister to Jesus, you are being wise like Abigail. You will be accepted and loved by Him. When you reject and dishonor Jesus, you are being foolish like Nabal. Jesus is coming back for His Abigails. Be one today!

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