Monday, December 7, 2009

My Attitude Governs My Receiving

But its swamps and marshes will not be healed; they will be given over to salt.” Ezekiel 47:11

The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision of a life-giving river. However, he also observed that some parts of the river were barren and carried no blessings. Though the Word of God is spirit and life, there are people who will not benefit from it.

1) James says that the hearers (not doers) of the Word will not be blessed (James 1:22-23). These are people who learn but never practice what they learn. They may feel strong emotions but never make any positive decisions. They may even have great resolve but never ever do anything to change.

2) Paul says that those who are blinded by unbelief will not receive light (2 Cor. 4:4). They have hardened their heart in unbelief and the blessings of God cannot reach them. Even Jesus could not do many mighty works in Nazareth because of their unbelief (Matt. 13:58).

3) A hardened heart will not inherit the promises of God (Heb. 3:13). These are people whose hearts have been hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. The light of God’s Word cannot penetrate into them.

The marshes were growing near the life-giving river. They were an eye sore compared to the beautiful river. These marshes speak of people who are living near the river but yet are not flourishing. The Bible speaks of these people as:

a) The proud man (1 Cor. 8:1). He is full of knowledge but is lacking in the area of love.

b) The critical man (Matt. 7:4). He is quick to judge and find fault in another Christian, but is blind to his own faults.

c) The unfaithful man (1 John 2:15). He hears and receives the Word of God, yet loves the world.

d) The unspiritual man (Matt. 13:20-21). He is impressed and moved by the gospel, but never obeys the Word and has no spiritual life.

e) The religious man. He performs religious duties to impress others but not God. When we hear the Word of God, our hearts must be open for the Spirit of God to move in our lives. If our attitude or heart condition is not right, we will be like the marsh that grows by the life-giving river—barren and fruitless instead of flourishing from the river of life.

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