Friday, December 4, 2009

The Glory Of God

The Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court; and behold, the glory of the LORD filled the temple. Ezekiel 43:5

After Ezekiel had patiently surveyed the temple of God, the Spirit of God lifted him up and brought him into the inner court. Though the temple was very big and magnificent, it was not until the glory of God was manifested that it truly became the holy temple of the Lord.

What is the glory of God? The glory of God is the intrinsic value of who He is. It is His radiance, the brightness of His light and beauty, and the honor that is due to Him. The idols of the heathens have no glory because they owe what you see on them to the goldsmith or the painter. There are two things which Ezekiel observed in this appearance of the glory of God:

1) The power of His Word which he heard. “His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory” (Ezek. 43:2). It could be heard from afar and it made an unforgettable impression on Ezekiel. In the book of Revelation, His voice was like the sound of many waters and the voice of loud thunder (Rev. 1:15; 14:2). The sound of many waters and the earth shining with God’s glory speak of the preaching of the gospel message to the world. The gospel will be proclaimed aloud. The report of it will be heard afar off. It will be preached to the ends of the earth and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14). To some it will be an indication of life, but to others it will be like the thunderous roar of a fearful expectation of judgment and death.

2) The brightness of His appearance which he saw. “The earth shone with his glory” (Ezek. 43:2). This appearance of the glory of God was the same one in the vision which Ezekiel saw when he first received his commission (1:4). God is always the same and His glory has no variation. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17). That glory which shone in the temple in the time of Ezekiel is still shining today. God has not changed. The gospel message is as glorious and powerful today as when it was first preached in Jerusalem. It brought the entire Roman Empire to its knees and it too will bring our generation to its knees.

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