Friday, March 26, 2010

A Form Of Godliness

Then she named the child Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel!” because the ark of God had been captured and because of her father-in-law and her husband. 1 Samuel 4:21

In 1 Samuel 4, Israel needed the power to fight against the Philistines, but she was found wanting. She lost. The Philistines won. The Philistines represent a type of the lawless self or the fleshly nature in man. The first time the Philistines are mentioned in the Bible, they were a people without the fear of God (Gen. 20:11). The second time the Philistines are mentioned, they were a people filled with jealousy and envy (Gen. 26:14).

They pleased themselves with immorality (Is. 2:6). God ultimately judgedthem for their pride (Zech. 9:6). Therefore, the Philistines speak of the self-life, self-love, selfpleasure and self-exaltation in the soulish man. God never lets His people face a battle unprepared. Yet, when the Israelites fought against the Philistines, they were resoundingly defeated. You can never defeat an enemy you have embraced as a friend. Israel was behaving exactly like the Philistines themselves. The leaders were self-centered, and indulging themselves with the food and offerings that were given to the temple. They were perverting the house of God into a prostitution den with their gross immorality. Israel may have had the priesthood and the temple, but she had become undisciplined, lawless and carnal.

The worst thing that can happen to a church is to have a form of godliness but not the power thereof (2 Tim. 3:1-5). Having the outward religious motions but not the inward spiritual reality. Maintaining the external form of ecclesiastical structure but devoid of the Holy Spirit’s fire and power.

Israel went into battle against the Philistines with a very impressive number of troops. They were very loud and excited because the ark of covenant was with them. Unfortunately, God was not. Israel had the form but no longer the power. Eventually, the two sons of Eli the high priest died and the ark was captured (1 Sam. 4:11). The glory of the Lord had departed from the people.

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