Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Wind Of The Spirit

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. John 3:8

The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by the wind. The Hebrew and Greek words used in reference to the Spirit are ruach and pneuma respectively, which means either “breath” or “wind.” Like the wind, the Holy Spirit may be invisible, yet He is nonetheless very real. Many agnostics find it hard to believe in the Holy Spirit because they have not seen Him, tasted Him or smelled Him. Now, no one has seen pain, tasted pain, or smelled pain. But nonetheless, we have all felt pain one time or another. In a similar way, when the Holy Spirit moves, we can feel His presence around us and in us. Four truths about the wind of the Spirit:

(1) Like the wind that encircles the earth, the Holy Spirit encompasses the believer. The Bible says, “The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north; the wind whirls about continually, and comes again on its circuit” (Eccl. 1:6). The Holy Spirit encloses you in His love, encircles you by His presence and encompasses you with His power. With such a circle of protection, who or what can touch you?

(2) Like the wind, the Holy Spirit is mysterious in action. He alone decides what are the best spiritual gifts to bestow on you. While the Spirit is sovereign, He does not act arbitrarily without any personal consideration for you. He works in a way that will always bring the greatest good and blessing to your life.

(3) Like the wind, the Holy Spirit moves in power. The movement of any wind can quickly escalate into a powerful cyclone, hurricane, monsoon or tornado, bringing devastation and death. On the other hand, the moving of the Spirit always brings great deliverance and life. On the Day of Pentecost, He came as a “rushing mighty wind” and instantly transformed the disciples into bold witnesses for Christ.

(4) Like the wind, the Holy Spirit cleanses everything in its path. Elihu said to Job, “And now men see not the bright light which is in the clouds: but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them” (Job 37:21 KJV). There is a golden glory which is obscured by the clouds, but when the wind dispels them, the glory is seen. The glory of God in you becomes evident once the uncleanness of the fl esh is cleared away. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of holiness. He has come to cleanse your heart and keep your life pure. Ask and allow Him to do that for you.

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