Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. John 13:3-5
Pat Riley, the outstanding NBA coach, wrote about the “danger of me.” He said, “The most difficult thing for individuals to do when they’re part of the team is to sacrifice. It’s so easy to become selfish in a team environment. To play for me. It’s very vulnerable to drop your guard and say, ‘This is who I am and I’m gonna open up and give of myself to you.’ But that’s exactly what you’ve got to do. Willingness to sacrifice is the great paradox. You must give up something in the immediate present-comfort, ease, recognition, quick rewards-to attract something even better in the future.”
What is true on the basketball court is also true in all of life. Serving others can be tough. Expending your energies and resources toward the interest of others can be exhausting. Yet, the most effective leaders are servants. Nobody demonstrated this better than Jesus on the night prior to his crucifixion. Alone with his disciples in a room in Jerusalem, Jesus did the unthinkable. When there was no servant to carry out the custom of foot-washing, Jesus assumed the role. The Master became the servant. The greatest and most high became the least and the lowest.
Jesus was able to do this because He loved His disciples (John 13:1). But He was also very secure in Himself. He knew what the Father had given to Him, where He came from, and where He was going (13:3). When you are secure in your own self-identity, you can be free to be who you are. You won’t have to struggle and strive to prove anything to anyone-not even to yourself.
While these two reasons would be adequate in and of themselves, the Lord had another reason for His actions. When He finished washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus told them, “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you” (13:15). The Lord didn’t tell them to do “what” He had done. He commanded them to do “as” He had done. They weren’t to become full-time foot-washers, but rather full-time servants of other men and women.
Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you desire to be His disciple? Then make a commitment to do as He did and expend your energies in service to others.
Pat Riley, the outstanding NBA coach, wrote about the “danger of me.” He said, “The most difficult thing for individuals to do when they’re part of the team is to sacrifice. It’s so easy to become selfish in a team environment. To play for me. It’s very vulnerable to drop your guard and say, ‘This is who I am and I’m gonna open up and give of myself to you.’ But that’s exactly what you’ve got to do. Willingness to sacrifice is the great paradox. You must give up something in the immediate present-comfort, ease, recognition, quick rewards-to attract something even better in the future.”
What is true on the basketball court is also true in all of life. Serving others can be tough. Expending your energies and resources toward the interest of others can be exhausting. Yet, the most effective leaders are servants. Nobody demonstrated this better than Jesus on the night prior to his crucifixion. Alone with his disciples in a room in Jerusalem, Jesus did the unthinkable. When there was no servant to carry out the custom of foot-washing, Jesus assumed the role. The Master became the servant. The greatest and most high became the least and the lowest.
Jesus was able to do this because He loved His disciples (John 13:1). But He was also very secure in Himself. He knew what the Father had given to Him, where He came from, and where He was going (13:3). When you are secure in your own self-identity, you can be free to be who you are. You won’t have to struggle and strive to prove anything to anyone-not even to yourself.
While these two reasons would be adequate in and of themselves, the Lord had another reason for His actions. When He finished washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus told them, “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you” (13:15). The Lord didn’t tell them to do “what” He had done. He commanded them to do “as” He had done. They weren’t to become full-time foot-washers, but rather full-time servants of other men and women.
Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you desire to be His disciple? Then make a commitment to do as He did and expend your energies in service to others.